Monday, November 5, 2012

A Table has FOUR Legs

 Chad Cannon, SC Wellness & Fitness Owner
Have you ever tried to sturdy a square table with just one, two, or three legs? It doesn't stand very well does it? When it comes to improving one's health many people try to do just that, and end up failing miserably.

You see my friend Jane decided she wanted to lose 60 pounds because she found out from her doctor that she has diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and is considered obese. Jane ate twice each day, once at lunch, usually a healthy salad, and again at dinner. A good dinner, usually some fish, another salad, and a vegetable. Jane does not workout on a consistent basis. However he does start and stop a walking routine quite a bit. She says at best she walks great for about a week and stops for two months, then repeats the same pattern.

Jane has been on cholesterol meds, blood pressure meds, and just started insulin. She takes no supplements at all. Jane did confess to me that she went on two "diets" (diets that I won't mention) from two different doctors (both of whom I won't mention). She said that after one diet she gained weight, and the other one worked really well. Jane said it was three months ago and she lost all her weight. I said "Really? So why are you now trying to lose 60 pounds?" She said because she stopped doing the diet.

Okay, so if you think of Jane as being a table, she basically has no legs at all. When I asked Jane how many legs she thought she had, she said a solid THREE.  I asked her what she thought her three legs consisted of, she replied that she eats healthy and she does enough cardio to at least loose some pounds, and she's on the medications to keep her healthy.

When I told Jane the honest truth that she really has no legs under her table, her jaw dropped to the floor.

This is how Jane has dropped 27 pounds (so far) in the last 42 days...

I made it very simple. I told Jane she needed to get ALL FOUR legs under her table, and this is what they consisted of:

1. Refuel your body with a protein, a carb and a vegetable/fruit that added up to 300 calories, and eat that every 3 hours, starting as soon as her feet hit the floor in the morning until she goes to bed.

2. Fill in the gaps of nutrition with proper supplementation. This is a MUST! With the correct core products, Jane is now getting the vitamins and minerals she doesn't get with even the best of foods. She is also getting proper supplementation to help her stop craving the salty, fatty, sugary foods.

3. Start a total body resistance training routine (which I gave her to do at home) that takes no longer than 30 minutes and do it no more and no less than three times per week.

4. Start a walking routine for cardio, but make it fun by walking really fast for 1 minute and really slow for 1 minute for a total of 30 minutes. Do this three times per week on the days she doesn't do her resistance training.

Honestly, Jane has been doing this now for 42 days as of yesterday, and again, she is down 27 pounds. Here's the real kicker... I could care less about the pounds. The cool part is that she's lost a total of 19 inches (9 off her waist), has now dropped 4 dress sizes, and kicked the insulin already, no more cholesterol meds and doctor says soon no more blood pressure meds.

Jane is a new woman! She smiles every time I see her. She went back and yelled at both of those doctors that put her on so called diets.

Here's why I gave you this information: If Jane can do this, anyone can. It's as simple as keeping four legs under your table. It's not easy! You do have to put the work in, but it is simple. You CAN do it!

Chad Cannon is the owner of SC Wellness & Fitness, and an Advisor for AdvoCare International.

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