Monday, November 5, 2012

A Table has FOUR Legs

 Chad Cannon, SC Wellness & Fitness Owner
Have you ever tried to sturdy a square table with just one, two, or three legs? It doesn't stand very well does it? When it comes to improving one's health many people try to do just that, and end up failing miserably.

You see my friend Jane decided she wanted to lose 60 pounds because she found out from her doctor that she has diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and is considered obese. Jane ate twice each day, once at lunch, usually a healthy salad, and again at dinner. A good dinner, usually some fish, another salad, and a vegetable. Jane does not workout on a consistent basis. However he does start and stop a walking routine quite a bit. She says at best she walks great for about a week and stops for two months, then repeats the same pattern.

Jane has been on cholesterol meds, blood pressure meds, and just started insulin. She takes no supplements at all. Jane did confess to me that she went on two "diets" (diets that I won't mention) from two different doctors (both of whom I won't mention). She said that after one diet she gained weight, and the other one worked really well. Jane said it was three months ago and she lost all her weight. I said "Really? So why are you now trying to lose 60 pounds?" She said because she stopped doing the diet.

Okay, so if you think of Jane as being a table, she basically has no legs at all. When I asked Jane how many legs she thought she had, she said a solid THREE.  I asked her what she thought her three legs consisted of, she replied that she eats healthy and she does enough cardio to at least loose some pounds, and she's on the medications to keep her healthy.

When I told Jane the honest truth that she really has no legs under her table, her jaw dropped to the floor.

This is how Jane has dropped 27 pounds (so far) in the last 42 days...

I made it very simple. I told Jane she needed to get ALL FOUR legs under her table, and this is what they consisted of:

1. Refuel your body with a protein, a carb and a vegetable/fruit that added up to 300 calories, and eat that every 3 hours, starting as soon as her feet hit the floor in the morning until she goes to bed.

2. Fill in the gaps of nutrition with proper supplementation. This is a MUST! With the correct core products, Jane is now getting the vitamins and minerals she doesn't get with even the best of foods. She is also getting proper supplementation to help her stop craving the salty, fatty, sugary foods.

3. Start a total body resistance training routine (which I gave her to do at home) that takes no longer than 30 minutes and do it no more and no less than three times per week.

4. Start a walking routine for cardio, but make it fun by walking really fast for 1 minute and really slow for 1 minute for a total of 30 minutes. Do this three times per week on the days she doesn't do her resistance training.

Honestly, Jane has been doing this now for 42 days as of yesterday, and again, she is down 27 pounds. Here's the real kicker... I could care less about the pounds. The cool part is that she's lost a total of 19 inches (9 off her waist), has now dropped 4 dress sizes, and kicked the insulin already, no more cholesterol meds and doctor says soon no more blood pressure meds.

Jane is a new woman! She smiles every time I see her. She went back and yelled at both of those doctors that put her on so called diets.

Here's why I gave you this information: If Jane can do this, anyone can. It's as simple as keeping four legs under your table. It's not easy! You do have to put the work in, but it is simple. You CAN do it!

Chad Cannon is the owner of SC Wellness & Fitness, and an Advisor for AdvoCare International.

Improve Your Thinking In Order To Make A Change

 Chad Cannon, Owner of SC Wellness & Fitness
Many of you are reading this to make a change in your body. Change happens in many different forms. You can change your look through your weight, the clothing you wear and many more. You can change your health by improving the way you eat, take supplements, by improving your fitness level, etc.

However I have found over the 23 plus years I have been in the fitness industry and the many years before that being in sports that there is one thing that is more important than anything else when it comes to change. Any type of change.

One MUST change the way they think in order to change anything else. And this happens through learned experiences. What am I talking about?

Just today I pulled out 25 index cards and read them before I start my day, as I do everyday. These 25 cards have positive things that will happen to me, or things about me, such as " I will smile at every person I see" or "I am the best father in the world" or "My business will be financially better today".

You see all these things say something positive, absolutely no negatives at all. By saying these over and over, day after day, your mindset starts to change. Your attitude starts changing. Everything seems brighter, clearer, and more meaningful. Things start to happen. Things you thought couldn't happen. You start doing things that you normally wouldn't do. Things that you are fearful of.

Another way, and probably the absolute best way I know of to change your thinking in life is this... Simply surround yourself with people that make you a better person. Get rid of your toxic people. If you want to find out how to be the best doctor in the world simply spend all your living moments you can around the best doctors in the world and watch them, do what they do. If you want to be a rich person, then simply find the richest person you can, hang with them, and do what they do. If you want to lose 50 pounds, simply start spending all your time with someone who has done it, or someone that helps people do that everyday. Get rid of your toxic friends that only bring negatives in your life and start hanging around the people you want to be like. That's the best "life" advice I have ever received, and I have heard that numerous times. And I'll give you one guess of who you think told me that. If you guessed that it's the people that I want to be like, well, then you're finally getting it.

It's hard to go it alone. It really is. Somehow, someway we all must start changing the way we think for the better. I promise you that if you change the way you thing the things you want to change will just start happening.

Chad Cannon is the owner of SC Wellness & Fitness.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Get More Benefits From Burst Training Workouts

Chad Cannon, CPT, President and CEO of SC Wellness & Fitness

If you’re looking to build muscle, lose fat, and increase strength and power in minimal time, burst training is the workout for you. What is burst training? It’s high intensity-short duration resistance training that produces results like nothing else. Most people look to build fitness through weight machine exercises and low-intensity aerobics. While this approach has some benefits it develops little power, strength, speed or functional fitness for optimal performance.

The biggest benefit of burst training is it will convert you from a fat-storer to a fat-burner. If you want to lose fat while building lean muscle you must create the correct hormonal balances. Burst training is the most effective routine for turning on your fat-burning switches and there’s scientific evidence to prove it.

A University of Colorado study found that the hormonal and central nervous system responses were lower in people exercising at low-moderate intensities. Increasing growth hormone and adrenaline release is the secret to reducing body fat. The best way to do this is with short-duration, high-intensity weight training, and cardio interval training.

Burst training includes high intensity weight training, bodyweight movements, and explosive exercises. You can use a wide variety of exercises but the key element is working the large muscle groups with an overload stimulus. Traditional free weight exercises like the ones listed below simply work best:

  • Barbell or Dumbbell Chest Presses
  • Barbell or Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows
  • Barbell or Dumbbell Squats
  • Barbell or Dumbbell Shrugs
  • Barbell or Dumbbell Overhead Shoulder Press
  • Barbell or Dumbbell Hang Cleans
  • Barbell or Dumbbell Power-Cleans
  • Barbell or Dumbbell Dead-Lifts
  • Barbell or Dumbbell Upright Rows
  • Barbell or Dumbbell Lunges

Of course many of the above exercises can be done with your own body weight as well. Examples of the bodyweight exercises commonly used in burst training include:

  • Push-Up’s
  • Pull-Up’s
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Mountain Jumpers
  • Back Bridges
  • Bear Crawls
  • Table Makers
  • Torso Lifts
  • Leg Lifts
  • Plyo-box jumps
  • Jump Rope
  • Jump Squats
  • Core/Abdominal exercises

Shown below is an example of burst training workout.

Exercises (Sets x Repetitions)
Do The Following Circuit 1-3 Times

Dumbbell Squats: 1 x 10-25 reps
Jump Rope: 30 seconds to 1 minute
Rest: 1-2 minutes then proceed to next group of exercises

Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press: 1 x 10-25 reps
Plyo-Box Jumps: 10 jumps
Rest: 1-2 minutes then proceed to next group of exercises

Pull-Up’s: 1 x 6-10 reps
Mountain Climbers: 30 count
Rest: 1-2 minutes then proceed to next group of exercises

Bench Press: 1 x 10-25 reps
Jump Squats: 15 reps
Rest: 1-2 minutes then proceed back to first group of exercises.

There are endless ways you can put together a burst training workout. The whole idea is working the muscles with high-intensity, explosive movements, then rest briefly and repeat.

At the Shaping Concepts Wellness & Fitness Center we specialize in burst training workouts to help our clients create amazing body transformations. The results of our clients who use this workout method speak for the overall effectiveness. We’ve simply found no better way to develop total body fitness, health, and human performance.

People often question the effectiveness of a thirty minute fitness routine but one time through a burst training workout and you’ll be a believer. Understand that if you’re new to exercise there will be a period of progression with functional exercise before you go “all out” with burst training. You must be able to work with your own bodyweight as resistance before progressing to weight training for example.

It’s also important to build what’s called an “aerobic base” with low-moderate intensity cardio routines before progressing to the cardio equivalent of burst training used for resistance, which is called interval training.

The progression of healthy individuals to burst training for resistance training and interval training for cardio is the one-two punch for maximum fat burning and lean muscle development.

If you’d like to learn more you can receive a free, no-obligations consultation of our SC Wellness & Fitness programs and experience the difference for yourself.

Chad Cannon is the president and CEO of Shaping Concepts Wellness & Fitness Center.

Food Focus: Root Vegetables

Shelly Hudson, Health Coach, RN


The roots of any plant are its anchor and foundation; they are the essential parts that support and nourish the plant. Root vegetables lend these properties to us when we eat them, making us feel physically and mentally grounded and rooted, increasing our stability, stamina and endurance. Roots are a rich source of nutritious complex carbohydrates, providing a steady source of necessary sugars to the body. Instead of upsetting blood sugar levels like refined sweet foods, they regulate them. Since they absorb, assimilate and supply plants with vital nutrients, roots likewise increase absorption and assimilation in our digestive tracts.

 Long roots, like burdock, carrots, parsnips and daikon radish, are excellent blood purifiers and can help improve circulation in the body and increase mental clarity . Round roots, like turnips, radishes, beets and rutabagas, are nourishing to the stomach, spleen, pancreas and reproductive organs and can help regulate blood sugar and moods, and alleviate cravings.

Recipe of the Month: Roasted Root Vegetables

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 25-35 minutes
Yield: 4-6 servings


1 sweet potato
2 parsnips
2 carrots
2 turnips or 1 large rutabaga
1 daikon radish (or substitute/add in your favorites, like squash)
olive oil
salt and pepper
herbs: rosemary, thyme or sage (fresh if possible)


1.   Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2.   Wash and chop all vegetables into large bite-sized pieces.
3.   Place in a large baking dish with sides.
4.   Drizzle with olive oil; mix well to coat each vegetable lightly with oil.
5.   Sprinkle with salt, pepper and herbs.
6.   Bake uncovered for 25-35 minutes until vegetables are tender and golden brown, checking every 10 minutes to stir and make sure veggies are not sticking.

Note: Any combination of vegetables will work. Roasting only one kind of vegetable also makes a nice side dish.

Free Health & Nutrition Consult
If you would like to maximize your health and wellness by learning more about the appropriate balance of foods for your specific needs, contact Shelly Hudson at 816-1016 to schedule a FREE health and nutrition consultation at SC Wellness & Fitness.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fatigue Stinks!

Dr. Heather Hutchings

Everyday  that I  am in the clinic,  I see at least one patient with symptoms of fatigue.  Fatigue is that horrible feeling of being rundown constantly, with absolutely no get-up-and-go. There is no food(including chocolate) that can make it go away.   You can sleep all night and all day and still not feel better.  Most people just acquiesce and accept fatigue as part our American lifestyle.  But they just may be agonizing in vain. 

Not always, but some of the time there is a logical explanation for why the body is malfunctioning.  If you talk to your doctor(if you don’t have one, then get one!) about what is going on, they can usually get to the root of the problem and come up with possible solutions.  Then, it is up to you to do what needs to be done . 

Evaluation by a physician

Here is how the evaluation usually goes: 
After talking to you and taking a history, your doctor can decide what type of fatigue you have.  Normal fatigue is caused by work, overexertion and mental stress.  If you don’t rebound and symptoms of fatigue last for a month, than the symptoms are considered prolonged fatigue.  Fatigue that lasts 6 months is considered chronic fatigue. 

Normally, for a fatigue workup, blood work is needed along with a physical exam. The labs that are ordered will check blood count,  kidney function, liver function,  thyroid function, blood sugar levels, and vitamin levels.

Here is a list of the medical causes of fatigue:
   Blood disorders such as anemia
   Cancer, in which case it is called cancer fatigue
   Drug abuse
   Depression and other mental disorders that feature depressed mood
   Eating disorders, which can produce fatigue due to inadequate nutrition
   Heart disease
   Liver failure
   Leukemia or lymphoma
   Lyme disease
   Physical trauma and other pain-causing conditions, such as arthritis
   Vitamin Deficiencies such as B12, Folate, and Vitamin
   Autoimmune Diseases such as multiple sclerosis

What if I do the workup and there is no medical cause found?

If you have a medical workup and no cause is found for your fatigue, then its time to make some lifestyle changes.  These are the top five lifestyle areas to focus on:

1.    Sleep-  We all vary, but most of us need 8 hours a night.

2.    Drugs-  If you are drinking caffeine all day, and have trouble falling asleep, then have your last caffeinated beverage with lunch.  Although drinking alcohol in the evening is relaxing, it has negative effects on sleep.

3.    Diet-  Without proper nutrition, your body can’t function properly.  The Standard American Diet (SAD) can lead to vitamin deficiencies that cause medical fatigue.  If you don’t eat a plentiful variety of fruits and vegetables, you should take a multivitamin.

4.    Exercise-  American Heart Association  recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 days a week, or 20 minutes of  vigorous exercise 3 days a week.  This should be combined with 8-10 strength-training exercises twice a week.

5.    Relaxation- You have to find what works for you…and there are so many options to choose from.  Whether you try yoga, stretching, Tai-chi,  or simply taking a walk and talking to someone you love, find something that relaxes you and put in on your daily schedule!
                             .         .         .

Its too complicated, I’m too far gone, and I cant do this on my own, you say?

Not so.  Start with baby steps.  Enlist a friend or family member to help.
If you don’t know where to start with exercise, then call a wellness center like SC Wellness & Fitness and talk to Owner, Chad Cannon about starting an exercise plan.  If nutrition is an issue then talk to the SC Wellness & Fitness Health Coach, Shelley Hudson about how to specifically follow a diet that will give you the energy you need.  If you are worried that your fatigue is caused by medical issues like sleep, depression, thyroid problems, or vitamin deficiencies, then come to see me. 

Health is a journey and we are all in this together.

Dr. Heather is a Medical Advisor for SC Wellness & Fitness in Bluffton, SC.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Shelly Hudson, Health Coach, RN

The body is an amazing source of intelligence. It is always there for you, pumping blood, never skipping a heartbeat, digesting whatever food you put in it and maintaining homeostasis. Is this reliable, intelligent bio-computer making a mistake by craving ice cream or a hamburger or chocolate? Are cravings due to lack of will-power or discipline? I’d like to suggest that cravings are not a problem. They are critical pieces of information that tell you what your body needs.

The important thing is to understand why you crave what you crave. Perhaps your diet is too restrictive or devoid of essential nutrients. Perhaps you are living a lifestyle that is too boring or stressful. Your body tries to correct the imbalance by sending you a message: a craving. A craving for something sweet could mean you need more protein, more exercise, more water or more love in your life. The key to stopping the sugar craving is to understand and deliver what your body really needs.

No book or theory can tell you what to eat. Only awareness of your body and its needs can tell you. Of all the relationships in our lives, the one with our body is the most essential. It takes communication, love and time to cultivate a relationship with your body. As you learn to decipher and respond to your body’s cravings, you will create a deep and lasting level of health and balance.

The next time you have a craving, treat it as a loving message from your body instead of a weakness. Try these tips to respond to your body:

·       Have a glass of water and wait 10 minutes.

·       Eat a healthier version of what you crave. For example, if you crave sweets, try eating more fruit and sweet or root vegetables.

·       What is out of balance in your life? Is there something you need to express, or is something being repressed? What happened in your life just before you had this craving?

·       When you eat the food you are craving, enjoy it, taste it, savor it; notice its effect. Then you will become more aware and free to decide if you really want it next time. 

Most people try to use “willpower” to ignore cravings. This is like treating the symptoms without addressing the cause of the problem. If you’d like some help deconstructing your specific cravings call Shelly Hudson at 816-1016 for a FREE health and nutrition consultation.
Shelly Hudson is the Health Coach at SC Wellness & Fitness in Bluffton.


Chad Cannon, President of SC Wellness & Fitness
In order to get better at something it is always better to start with goals. That especially goes for health and fitness. So what is the best way to set your fitness goals?
First you need to break it down a little...
Do you need more energy? Yes or No?
Do you eat breakfast regularly? Yes or No?
Do you eat small meals throughout the day? Yes or No?
Do you need to drop some inches? Yes or No?
Do you have high Cholesterol? Yes or No?
Are your blood sugar levels in the normal range? Yes or No?
Are you happy with the way you look? Yes or No?

You now have most of your goals taken care of based o your answers. However it does go a little more in depth than that. Answer these as well...

Do you like the way you feel after a workout? Yes or No?
What type of fitness or activity do you like doing?
Do you like exercising in groups or alone?
Are you intimidated by certain gyms?
What's the longest time you want to spend exercising each day?

Answering little questions like these pretty much gives you your goals.

You'll have many goals like these...
I need more energy.
I need to start eating breakfast.
I need to improve all my health numbers, cholesterol, blood sugar.
I need to drop lots of inches.

You also will have goals like these...
I love the way I feel after a workout, so I'm going to workout at least 4 times each week. 4 out of 7 days is pretty good.
I like working one on one with a personal training coach so I'll add that into my 4 days somehow.
I only want to spend about 30 minutes working out, so I'll find a trainer that only trains for 30 minutes.
I definitely don't like "meat head " gyms and I don't want "high intense training", so I'll find a trainer to give me general fitness and overall health, but still pushes me to lose inches and helps me eat right.

That's funny, I just wrote this person to like SC Wellness & Fitness. Ha Ha! Honestly, I didn't mean to do that. So answer these questions and you'll easily find your goals by the way your answers look.

Email me . I'd love to know what your goals are.

Chad Cannon is the owner, president of SC Wellness & Fitness in Bluffton, SC.